Stuck on stupid

Friday, 19 March 2010

Someone managed to get under my skin this past week and I must say it doesn’t take much. And my friends is one of my many flaws. I can never seem to let go of a foolish arguement. I know that i know this person lacks the objectivity to see things as they are but i can never let go.Arguing with fools will not be the death of me but it’s damn near close. I can never seem to mentally brand someone as an idiot and simply walk away like your suppose to. Instead I sit there and argue to no end.

The subject of dispute was Lady gaga.I know she's not everyones cup of tea but bear with me. One of my tweeps said she was contrived. Needless to say i was HORRIFIED. I mean when you say the words contrived i picture someone out there trying their damnedest to be something but fail miserably. Case in point is Beyonce(I'm a fan by the way). When Bey does ghetto stuff I always cringe for her cause COTDAMMIT she ain’t ghetto. Even before DC was making much mulah her rents weren’t doing badly in fact her dad earned a six figure salary.No,really. Later he quit his job to be a full time manager for DC. Yes their standards of living depriciated but not to ghetto level mama knowles owned a salon.

Back to this argument.So this person i was going back and forth with is an avid fan of Michael Jackson(MJ) but she thinks GaGa is contrived? How now? If you can appreciate the over the top-ness of MJ why not gaga. I mean MJ wore a silver glove for the sake of being different. His outfits his videos,everything was over the top. For me I think that’s passion. Artistic people are like that. Their art consumes them. But this person keeps insisting that gaga is just being different for the sake of it( effing hater) and that makes her normal? How now?

I learnt sometime ago you can never reason with evil if someone is dead set against someone for whatever reason nothing can deterr them. When you start hearing statements like ”being different for the sake of being different makes you normal” pls walk away. That statement daent even make sense.( if u see the sense in that kindly explain)

Well, I was so mad I unfollowed.#judgeme


Legal Humour on 19 March 2010 at 15:39 said...

good points you raised there I agree Lady Gaga is pure talent she recently broke Billboard's record as the first artist to have her first five singles reach number one. She's won two Grammys, and has sold 8 million albums and 15 million singles digitally worldwide in short the record speaks for itself hush haters

Relevant coffee on 19 March 2010 at 15:55 said...

Yes i had an argument with someone else who was saying Beyonce is the next MJ. WHAT? impossible that girl works hard no doubt but she ain't inspirational like MJ not even close. Im a fan of hers but I think Lady GaGa is gonna dwarf her. videography wise she has already done that.SMH

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