
Monday, 29 March 2010

Hands up if you like seeing naked bodies. I don’t. I find it crude and repulsive. Why would I want to see your elements.

High school shower time was high trauma for me. It’s was just a sea of nudity. Small big light patchy strangely wrinkly curiously deformed. I mean people have a lot going on underneath their clothes. And all I’m saying is I can only cope with my own nudity.

Stream of consciousness!

Friday, 26 March 2010

Portrait of Virginia Woolf (January 25, 1882 –...Image via Wikipedia

Stumbled upon a couple if blogs this week. Both curiously pertaining to prostitution. You can log off at this point , I understand. Anyways, sex work is a shit job in my opinion and benefits women nada. Admittedly there are a few former sex workers who claim it’s a job like any other. But it’s not, is it? Anyway maybe im just mad that they getting some.LOL

So last night i was flipping through channels and came a cross a doccie on women. It was a piece on feminism.A bunch of them started crying as this androgynous looking female delivered a speech about the current portrayal of women in magazines. I honestly thought WTF y'all are overeacting but then i caught myself and thought actually the backstage life of all that glamour models sell is pretty bleak.Women fall prey to sexual predators guised as photographers. Girls die DAILY from anorexia and other self hating body image related issues because of the pressure media and society as a whole puts on them.

And i started thinking, what if I'm ignorant of my ignorance what if I'm blind to my own victimization as a woman. I wouldn't say I'm oppressed per se but what affects other females around the world affects me too. There are countries presently i wouldn't travel to based upon their treatment of women.
We walk around feeling like we have rights but we really don't. Looking around, this world is still very patriarchal.Women are barely present in positions of leadership. An abortion debate is going on where women, in my opinion need to take the lead. I believe they would come up with the best solution. Obviously they know first hand how they get into situations where they start considering abortion. And i believe the solution would involve more on prevention compared to the current argument of yes abortion and no abortion.
I swear I'm gonna read up on this shit. I'm a feminist from now on. Now, where are those DC albums...

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My Twitter is not a democracy

Monday, 22 March 2010

Twitter is my spot. I come to chill and have random conversation with random folk. But once in a while you get Stifflers. People who wanna stiffles your ideas. Don’t know why they just can’t be indifferent. My Twitter is not a democracy. I tweet what I like. Change my profile when the urge arises. It’s all in good fun. So when people come around to tell me how to run your my Twitter. I get hellah mad. For me it’s simple if you don’t like how I tweet or whatever unfollow I might or might not be cut up about it. But please don’t @reply with some rudeness. My Twitter experience is more about tweets and less about handle. If an unknown tweeter pop on my timeline. My knee jerk reaction wouldn’t be to unfollow. That’s counterintuitive. I only unfollow folk who i can’t stand people I find offensive or crude.

On the other hand I understand folk who would like to tell me their problem with how I tweet. It’s natural. If you have a problem with a particular tweep you address it with that tweep. I’m not sure I like that. Cause in the end i just feel stiffled.Quiet honestly I wanna attract open minded folk who don’t mind my sheninigans. I can’t please the masses its impossible. I won’t even try.

I like dreamers, triers non-conformists so if you can’t take my quirkiness let’s us part ways roho safi! Let’s leave bureaucracy to government.

Stuck on stupid

Friday, 19 March 2010

Someone managed to get under my skin this past week and I must say it doesn’t take much. And my friends is one of my many flaws. I can never seem to let go of a foolish arguement. I know that i know this person lacks the objectivity to see things as they are but i can never let go.Arguing with fools will not be the death of me but it’s damn near close. I can never seem to mentally brand someone as an idiot and simply walk away like your suppose to. Instead I sit there and argue to no end.

The subject of dispute was Lady gaga.I know she's not everyones cup of tea but bear with me. One of my tweeps said she was contrived. Needless to say i was HORRIFIED. I mean when you say the words contrived i picture someone out there trying their damnedest to be something but fail miserably. Case in point is Beyonce(I'm a fan by the way). When Bey does ghetto stuff I always cringe for her cause COTDAMMIT she ain’t ghetto. Even before DC was making much mulah her rents weren’t doing badly in fact her dad earned a six figure salary.No,really. Later he quit his job to be a full time manager for DC. Yes their standards of living depriciated but not to ghetto level mama knowles owned a salon.

Back to this argument.So this person i was going back and forth with is an avid fan of Michael Jackson(MJ) but she thinks GaGa is contrived? How now? If you can appreciate the over the top-ness of MJ why not gaga. I mean MJ wore a silver glove for the sake of being different. His outfits his videos,everything was over the top. For me I think that’s passion. Artistic people are like that. Their art consumes them. But this person keeps insisting that gaga is just being different for the sake of it( effing hater) and that makes her normal? How now?

I learnt sometime ago you can never reason with evil if someone is dead set against someone for whatever reason nothing can deterr them. When you start hearing statements like ”being different for the sake of being different makes you normal” pls walk away. That statement daent even make sense.( if u see the sense in that kindly explain)

Well, I was so mad I unfollowed.#judgeme

The comeback kid

Sunday, 14 March 2010

I had taken a hiatus from blogging. This time i better make it work.

I once had a fierce passion for literature in my early years but interest faded with the onset of teenage angst and my interest turned to music and other less savory activities.I will let your mind wonder.

Another factor was that I discovered so many great writers and instead of admiring and aspiring i gave up.But now I'm back from the brink. Back to the pursuit of happiness through writing. Bye bye to all that hormonal imbalance and inferiority complex le'me embrace this blog,do my time on it once a week and see what happens.

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